Meet the 2023-24 WSRC FULL TEAM:



Jannikaa Kathiramathamby & Bhumeet Gupta

The Co-Chairs are the chief executive and official spokesperson of the WSRC. Some duties of the Co-Chairs include overseeing the daily operations of the WSRC, acting as a liaison between the WSRC and Western Experience, and coordinating the work of all other portfolios.


Research Directors:

Laohnorian Madani & Shamim Sohrevardi

The Research portfolio manages all presenter, judge and workshop speaker communications. They are in charge of creating the presenter applications, judging information and our workshops that are held before and during our conference. 


Logistics Directors:

Abdulla Elsaleh & Sara Gehlaut

The Logistics portfolio is in charge of the planning and execution of our Summer Research Expo and our main conference in March. 


Marketing Director:

Grace Eunbin Kim

The Marketing portfolio manages our socials, website and promotional content. They are in charge of designing and distributing our newsletters as well as managing our messages on our website and social media. 


Outreach Directors:

Sai Tatipalli & Halle Deakin

The Outreach portfolio manages all internal and external communication. Some specific responsibilities include organizing our annual HS Session, establishing and maintaining internal connections with professors, faculty councils, university clubs as well as external connections with other universities and high schools. They also work with our marketing team to create our newsletters. 


Finance Director:

Nicole Damianidis

The Finance portfolio oversees all the finances of the WSRC. This includes establishing and maintaining partnerships with sponsorships from Western organizations and external corporations, budget planning and club financing.